Here at Red Hall Primary School we are committed to promoting British Values in all areas of school life. These 4 values include:
The teaching of these values can be seen throughout our school:
At the start of the year our School Council members are appointed by the pupils, who have their chance to vote in an election. Each child, who wishes to become a member of School Council, writes a statement declaring why they should be elected into the role and reads it out in an assembly. The children then have to choose who they wish to vote for and present this as a ballot.
The School Council members have regular meetings and are involved in appointing new members of staff as well as making the school a safe and exciting environment to learn in.
Within the curriculum we give the children opportunities to take part in debates and share their opinions both verbally and in a written form.
The Rule of Law
Each class are involved in discussing the rules of behaviour for their class. Children are aware of the consequences for their actions and know the rewards and sanctions in place. These are the same as we follow our Behaviour Policy.
Individual Liberty
Children are actively involved in their own learning and are encouraged to make their own choices.
Throughout the year children are involved in raising money for many charities.
Mutual respect and tolerance of those of different beliefs and faiths
We ensure that all children are treated with respect and that they treat others with the respect that they wish to receive.
Throughout the year we visit our local church to celebrate: Harvest, Christmas and Easter. We also ensure that the children have the opportunities to visit other places of worship for different religions. Our RE curriculum is diverse so that children gain an understanding of all religions and their beliefs within our local community and the wider world.
We have regular visits from our local church to the school, who come to talk about their beliefs and faith.