Year 1 – Welcome from Mr Farley (Phase Leader), Mrs Williams, Miss Hall, Mrs Beddow, Mrs Shinton, Miss Sweeney, Miss Pinches, Mrs Teitge, Mrs Richards and Mrs Taylor.
Reception - Gates open 8:40am - School day begins 8:50am - School day finishes 3:20pm
KS1: Year 1 and Year 2 - Gates open 8:45am - School day begins 8:55am - School day finishes 3:25pm
KS2: Year 3 - Year 6 - Gates open 8:50am - School day begins 9:00am - School day finishes 3:30pm
If you wish to visit the school please contact the school office.
As a parent if you have any queries/concerns and wish to speak to a member of staff please contact the school office. Mrs Topple will then make appropriate arrangements.
A paper copy of information from the school website can be provided for you free of charge. Please ask at the school office.
Special Educational Needs & Disability Co-ordinator (SENDCO) – Mrs S Darby can be contacted via the school office.