The Headteacher, Staff and Governors would like to welcome your child to Red Hall Primary School. This booklet is designed to answer some of the basic questions you may have about ‘Our School’. We hope that it will prove to be a useful introduction to life at Red Hall.
We are a school committed to raising standards thereby allowing all of our children the chance to make the best of the education we provide. We want your child to be happy here at Red Hall because we believe that a contented child in a happy environment is the key to success.
However, we cannot achieve this aim alone. When your child starts school at Red Hall he or she triggers an important partnership between the school and parents. As parents your co-operation is vital to the education of your child. Any concerns that you or your child have about any aspects of the school should be raised sooner rather than later. Whatever the nature of the matter please do not feel afraid to talk to your child’s teacher, the Assistant Head or the Head. Remember – a small molehill to us adults can be a mighty mountain for a child in a new school. On a broad basis regular contact between parents and teachers can only work to everyone’s advantage.
It is equally important that we know if your child does something good or creditable outside of school – we like to praise all achievements.
We hope you will support the Governors’ policies of Red Hall Primary School and that you will share in all of our endeavours. With this partnership we can work together so that when your child leaves Red Hall he or she will be fully prepared to meet the challenges ahead at secondary school and beyond.
Helen Tomlinson, Head teacher and Mark Westwood, Chair of Governors
The Infant Department was built in 1880, followed by the Junior Department in 1891. We have always taken great pride in the school buildings and the traditional atmosphere they generate.
Over the years there have been many changes. The two sites have been modernised. Suspended ceilings have been installed and most of the premises have been re-decorated. The school halls are multi-functional, they act as dining areas as well as hosting PE, Drama and Music activities. The kitchen in the infant building cooks and prepares meals for the whole school.
In January 1997 the Infant and Junior Schools were amalgamated to form an all-through Primary. This gave the school a wonderful opportunity to continue to progress as a forward thinking school.