School Meals

All children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 are now entitled to  a ‘Universal Free School Meal’, this can be either a hot meal or a grab bag.  Children still have the option of bringing in their own packed lunch.

School Meals are provided by Dudley Catering and Client Services and are currently £2.40 per day for children in Years 3-6.  This can be paid either by cash or cheque on a daily or weekly basis.  Cheques should be made payable to Dudley MBC, payments are  collected in class on a daily basis, please ensure all dinner money is in a sealed envelope marked with your child’s name, class, amount enclosed and the days to which it applies.

If you are in receipt of  certain benefits your child may be entitled to free school meals. Even if your child receives a Universal Free School Meal and you are in receipt of  benefits please still apply for Free School Meals as the school may receive additional funding.

  • Income Support
  • Jobseekers Allowance (income based)
  • Employment and Support Allowance (income based)
  • State Pension Credit (guaranteed element)
  • Child Tax Credits Only, with no entitlement to working tax credit (gross annual income £16,190 or less)
  • Asylum Seeker

If you wish to find out more contact DMBC

by telephone: 01384 814988

by email:


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